15 Μαΐου 2018 / Ανακοίνωση WTE Μαζί με τη βουλγαρική ομοσπονδία Taekwondo, η World Taekwondo Europe σχεδίαζε να φιλοξενήσει ένα 10ήμερο...
15 Μαΐου 2018 / Ανακοίνωση WTE
Μαζί με τη βουλγαρική ομοσπονδία Taekwondo, η World Taekwondo Europe σχεδίαζε να φιλοξενήσει ένα 10ήμερο φεστιβάλ Taekwondo στο οποίο οι αθλητές όλων των ηλικιακών κατηγοριών θα μπορούσαν να συμμετάσχουν σε μια σειρά διαφορετικών εκδηλώσεων WTE.Δυστυχώς, λόγω ενός πολύ απασχολημένου και αυστηρού χρονοδιαγράμματος, ο αριθμός των συμμετεχόντων σε ορισμένες προγραμματισμένες εκδηλώσεις δεν επαρκεί για την επιτυχή διεξαγωγή διαγωνισμών. Στα τμήματα poomsae, δυστυχώς, παρουσιάστηκε ελάχιστο ενδιαφέρον.
Για τους αθλητές και τους προπονητές που έχουν ήδη κλείσει τις πτήσεις τους, η World Taekwondo Europe θα εκδώσει ένα δελτίο αξίας 200 ευρώ.
Together with the Bulgarian Taekwondo Federation, World Taekwondo Europe was planning to host a 10-day Taekwondo festival in which athletes from all age categories could participate in a range of different WTE events. Unfortunately, due to a very busy and tight schedule, the number of participants in some scheduled events are not sufficient to successfully execute competitions. In the poomsae divisions unfortunately very little interest was shown.
For those athletes and coaches who already booked their flights, World Taekwondo Europe will issue a voucher with a value of 200 euro. This voucher can be used by athletes to pay their entree fee at future WTE events and has a validity of 2 years. One of the following conditions has to be met to be eligible for the voucher:
Condition 1:
You have booked your flight ticket BEFORE the publication date of this news message, i.e. before 15 MAY 2018
Your event has been cancelled.
In this case you are eligible for a voucher
Condition 2:
You have booked your flight ticket BEFORE the publication date of this news message, i.e. before 15 MAY 2018
Your event has been replaced to a time and date which does not fall within the period of stay within Bulgaria.
If you feel that your conditions are different and not covered within condition 1 and condition 2, please contact the WTE Office. All requests will examined and answered with a final decision.
For those athletes and coaches who already booked their flights, World Taekwondo Europe will issue a voucher with a value of 200 euro. This voucher can be used by athletes to pay their entree fee at future WTE events and has a validity of 2 years. One of the following conditions has to be met to be eligible for the voucher:
Condition 1:
You have booked your flight ticket BEFORE the publication date of this news message, i.e. before 15 MAY 2018
Your event has been cancelled.
In this case you are eligible for a voucher
Condition 2:
You have booked your flight ticket BEFORE the publication date of this news message, i.e. before 15 MAY 2018
Your event has been replaced to a time and date which does not fall within the period of stay within Bulgaria.
If you feel that your conditions are different and not covered within condition 1 and condition 2, please contact the WTE Office. All requests will examined and answered with a final decision.
Therefore only the following events will be hosted:
3 – 4 June 2018:
Cadets Category
Under 21 Category
9 – 10 June 2018
Juniors Category
Seniors Category
10 June 2018
7th WTE European Open Para Taekwondo Championships
The deadline of registration is extended untill Sunday 27 May 2018.
Updated Outline:
files/WTE Open Multi European Games/UPDATED_OULTINE_MULTI_2018.pdf
Updated Calendar:
files/WTE Open Multi European Games/UPDATED_CALENDAR_MULTI_2018.pdf
Therefore only the following events will be hosted:
3 – 4 June 2018:
Cadets Category
Under 21 Category
9 – 10 June 2018
Juniors Category
Seniors Category
10 June 2018
7th WTE European Open Para Taekwondo Championships
The deadline of registration is extended untill Sunday 27 May 2018.
Updated Outline:
files/WTE Open Multi European Games/UPDATED_OULTINE_MULTI_2018.pdf
Updated Calendar:
files/WTE Open Multi European Games/UPDATED_CALENDAR_MULTI_2018.pdf